A new Chinese animated series, Yao-Chinese Folktales or Zhongguo Qitan, has gone viral in China. The eight-episode program is comprised of eight separate stories that are rooted in traditional Chinese culture and ancient folklore.
Produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio and Chinese streaming site Bilibili and created by 10 directors, each episode runs for 10 to 15 minutes, and boasts its own visual style and pacing, not unlike Netflix’s viral series Love, Death & Robots, which did phenomenally well in China.
Yao-Chinese Folktales currently holds a whopping score of 9.3/10 on the Chinese review platform Douban. Many viewers have applauded the show for featuring traditional Chinese culture through modern means.
Fans were recently thrilled to learn that the program had released merchandise. We have selected some of our favorites in the following slides: