Senior Influencers are Taking Chinese Social Media by Storm

Senior Influencers are Taking Chinese Social Media by Storm

Forget supermodels – fashion houses are getting celebrities to model their latest fashions for this year’s Shanghai Fashion Week.

Grandparents are now outshining teenagers on Chinese social media.

By embracing a fun-oriented lifestyle and increased spending, these stylish seniors are fighting stereotypes about aging.

It’s a transformation that can be partially attributed to the isolation of the pandemic. Now that China is opening up, Chinese seniors are embracing the fun in life instead of staying at home.

Additionally, older folks in China have become much more tech-savvy due to the pandemic.

Xiaohongshu, an Instagram-esque platform once known for catering to trendy millennials who share selfies, lifestyle tips, and follow fashion influencers, is being transformed by the presence of older influencers.

They are changing what it means to be a senior citizen in our time.

Read more about senior trends in China by clicking the icon below.