Art Exhibit in Shanghai Reveals Czech Artist’s Immense Influence 

Running until March 5, an exposition on Czech artist Alphonse Mucha — titled Meet Mucha: The Magic of Line — is currently on display at the Meet You Museum in Shanghai.

A collaborative effort between the Czech embassy in China and the Mucha Foundation, it is the second major Mucha exposition in the Chinese mainland, the first being at the Pearl Art Museum in 2019.

About Mucha in a nutshell: Born in 1860, the Art Nouveau artist created an epic series of 20 large canvases titled The Slav Epic, which depicts the mythology and history of Czechs and other Slavic peoples.


His work is known for its jewel tones, decorative Byzantine and floral elements, and fascination with the female figure

Those checking out the exhibition can view a vast number of prints and watch a 15-minute documentary about Mucha’s life.

After gaining exposure to Mucha via exhibitions such as this one, many Chinese youth have developed an appreciation of his works.

“I loved seeing how Mucha’s designs influenced manga and graphic design of the 60s and 70s,” said Isabel Su, a junior writer at RADII. “The style is so recognizable but I didn’t even know it was Mucha’s until seeing the exhibit.”

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