Hong Kong Ballet Releases Its First-ever NFTs

If you read RADII regularly, then you’ll know that visual artists have been producing NFT art for a while now.  More recently, performing arts companies like the Hong Kong Ballet have also begun to embrace the medium. 

Themed Cyberpunk Ballet, one of the company’s two NFT collections sees members of the Hong Kong Ballet dancing through Hong Kong’s neon-lit streets.

The NFT artwork highlights the uptick in cyberpunk content produced by Chinese creatives in recent years.

Take, for instance, Chinese artist Zzai’s AI-generated artwork of women with porcelain-like skin and futuristic headgear.

Fanart via Francesca Myman / Locus Publications

Celebrated Chinese American author Ken Liu, who penned the Dandelion Dynasty series, even invented the term ‘silkpunk’ to capture the essence of his sci-fi and fantasy worlds.

Meanwhile, the Hong Kong Ballet’s second NFT collection revolves around Christmas and was released just in time for its live performances of The Nutcracker.

The Nutcracker NFTs feature interactive artwork of four main characters from the ballet on one side and stunning stage photos on the other.

Click the link below to learn more about how the Hong Kong Ballet has removed racist facets from the original Nutcracker ballet in its version.